In the fall semester approximately 1400 students enroll in our diverse undergraduate course offerings.  Future mathematics majors generally (but not always) begin with one of our introductory proof-based courses:

A few prospective majors start in MAT214 (Numbers, Equations, and Proofs) or in MAT203 (Vector Calculus) instead. 

Most students in the standard calculus sequence (MAT103MAT104MAT201) or linear algebra (MAT202) are prospective majors in the natural sciences, engineering, finance, economics and other social sciences.  However, some math majors start out in these courses and discover their talent and enthusiasm for mathematics there. Interested students should contact the placement officer or the Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies as early as possible for advice.

You may look through the catalog of individual courses and the placement section.  Detailed information about majoring in mathematics has its own section in the web site.