Wave propagation in hydrodynamic stability

Michele Coti Zelati, Imperial College London

The stability of shear flows in the fluid mechanics is an old problem dating back to the famous Reynolds experiments in 1883. The question is to quantify the size of the basin of attraction of equilibria of the Navier-Stokes equations depending on the viscosity parameters, giving rise to the so-called stability threshold. In the case of a three-dimensional homogeneous fluid, it is known that the Couette flow has a stability threshold proportional to the viscosity, and this is sharp in view of a linear instability mechanism known as the lift-up effect. In this talk, I will explain how to exploit certain physical mechanisms to improve this bound: these can be identified with stratification (i.e. non-homogeneity in the fluid density) or rotation (i.e. Coriolis force). Either mechanism gives rise to oscillations which suppress the lift-effect. This can be captured at the linear level in an explicit manner, and at the nonlinear level by combining sharp energy estimates with suitable dispersive estimates.