The Horizons Lectures consists of two events, a research colloquium as well as a seminar discussion on the societal impacts of the mathematics profession with the following goals:
• To discuss issues of diversity and inclusion in STEM fields.
• To provide career advice to graduate students and junior faculty.
• To promote the work of mathematicians from underrepresented groups.
These talks are in-person and online. Masks are required.
Register at: https://math.princeton.edu/horizons-2022(link is external)
Department Colloquium: Determinantal Point Processes, Principal Minor Assignments, and Algebraic Graph Theory
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Fine Hall 314 / 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Horizons Seminar: Journeys in Math: A conversation about the joys, struggles, and stories of three generations of mathematicians
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Lewis Library 120 / 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM
Panel discussion with:
William A. Massey, Princeton University
Kimberly F. Sellers, Georgetown University