Quasiconformal and Quasiregular Maps in Dimensions Larger than Two
Quasiconformal and Quasiregular Maps in Dimensions Larger than Two
Eden Prywes, Princeton University
Online Talk
Zoom Link: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/92668943856(link is external)
We will also use a Gather.town platform for chats from 2:00 PM-2:30 PM.
https://gather.town/invite?token=TQlTdtInLUCwYQUwdKXaIvJGQ7Y2wPcV(link is external)
Password: PR122021
A quasiconformal map on n-dimensional Euclidean space is a homeomorphism whose differential has bounded distortion at almost every point. I will discuss these maps and their non-homeomorphic counterparts, quasiregular maps. I will give a historical background and discuss their properties. I will then present some recent work regarding their relation to bilipschitz maps and also their generalizations, quasiregular curves.