Random Graphs From Less Randomness
Random Graphs From Less Randomness
PLEASE CLICK ON COLLOQUIUM TITLE FOR COMPLETE ABSTRACT. The study of random graphs has been dominated for over fifty years by the Erdos-Renyi (ER) model, wherein edges appear independently and with equal probability. It is by now well-understood that ER random graphs bear very little resemblance to real networks, rendering analytical results for them largely uninformative. After a quick overview of the ER model I will point out its main shortcomings and go over some of the attempts to overcome them. We will see that the main issue is the inherent tension between low-dimensionality, needed for realism, and probabilistic independence, needed for mathematical tractability. I will then describe recent work aimed at resolving this tension by defining random graphs as maximally random solutions to constrained optimization problems. Along with a strong concentration inequality we establish for the solutions of knapsack-like problems, this allows us to get natural generative models for random graphs which do not assume independence between edges, yet are highly tractable mathematically. As a demonstration of this tractability we prove that “navigability”, in the sense of Kleinberg, is a far more robust property of graphs than previously understood, arising without any coordination between the vertices, almost as soon as sufficient resources are present.