On A Well-Tempered Diffusion

Philip Rosenau , Tel-Aviv University

PLEASE NOTE SPECIAL DATE, TIME AND LOCATION. The classical transport theory as expressed by, say, the Fokker-Planck equation, lives in an analytical paradise but, in sin. Not only its response to initial datum spreads at once everywhere oblivious of the basic tenets of physics, but it also induces an infinite flux across a sharp interface. Attempting to overcome these difficulties one notices that the moment expansion of any of the micro ensembles of the kind that beget the equations of the classical mathematical physics, say the Chapman-Enskog expansion of Boltzmann Eq., if extended beyond the second moment, yields an ill posed PDE (the Pawla Paradox)!  We shall describe mathematical strategies to overcome these generic difficulties. The resulting flux-limited transport equations are well posed and capture some of the crucial effects of the original ensemble lost in moment expansion. For instance, initial discontinuities do not dissolve at once but persist for a while. There is a critical transition from analytical to discontinuous states with embedded sub-shock(s).