Wavelet Frames and Applications

Zuowei Shen, National University of Singapore

This talk focuses on the tight wavelet frames derived from multiresolution analysis and their applications in imaging sciences. One of the major driven forces in the area of applied and computational harmonic analysis over the last two decades is to develop and understand redundant systems that have sparse approximations of different classes of functions. Such redundant systems include wavelet frame, ridgelet, curvelet, shearlet and so on. In this talk, we will first give a brief survey on the development of the unitary extension principle and its generalizations. The unitary extension principle and its extensions give systematical constructions of wavelet frames from multiresolution analysis that can be used in various problems in imaging science. Then we will focus on applications of wavelet frames. Especially, we will discuss frame based image analysis and restorations, which includes image inpainting, image denosing, image deblurring and blind deblurring, image decomposition, and image segmentation.