Topological robotics and braid groups

David Recio-Mitter, Lehigh University
Fine Hall 214

One of the main problems in robotics is that of motion planning. It consists of finding an algorithm which takes pairs of positions as an input and outputs a path between them. It is not always possible to find such an algorithm which depends continuously on the inputs. Studying this problem from a topological perspective, in 2003 Michael Farber introduced the topological complexity of a space, which measures the minimal (unavoidable) discontinuity of all motion planners on a given topological space. The topological complexity TC(X) turns out to be a homotopy invariant of the space X.

In this talk we will determine (or narrow down to a few values in some cases) the topological complexity of the unordered configuration spaces of aspherical surfaces (including surfaces with boundary and non-orientable surfaces). We will also see how this can be understood as the topological complexity of the surface braid groups.

This is joint work with Andrea Bianchi.