Cycles on abelian 2n-folds of Weil type from secant sheaves on abelian n-folds

Eyal Markman, UMass Amherst
Fine Hall 110

In 1977, Weil identified a 2-dimensional space of rational classes of Hodge type (n,n) in the middle cohomology of every 2n-dimensional abelian variety with a suitable complex multiplication by an imaginary quadratic number field. These abelian varieties are said to be of Weil type and these Hodge classes are known as Weil classes. We prove that the Weil classes are algebraic for all abelian sixfolds of Weil type of discriminant -1, for all imaginary quadratic number fields. The algebraicity of the Weil classes follows for all abelian fourfolds of Weil type (for all discriminants and all imaginary quadratic number fields), by a degeneration argument of C. Schoen. The Hodge conjecture for abelian fourfolds is known to follow from the above result.