Slicing knots in definite 4-manifolds

Alexandra Kjuchukova, University of Notre Dame

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Let $K\subset S^3$ be a knot and $X$ be a closed smooth four-manifold. Is $K$ smoothly H-slice in $X$? That is, does $K$ bound a smooth null-homologous disk properly embedded in $X\backslash\mathring{B}^4$? The answer to this question can detect exotic smooth structures on $X$. I will describe new tools to compute the (smooth or topological) $\mathbb{CP}^2$ slicing number of a knot $K$, which is the smallest $m$ such that $K$ is (smoothly or topologically) H-slice in $\#^m\mathbb{CP}^2$. This is joint work with Allison N. Miller, Sumeyra Sakalli, and Arunima Ray.