Simultaneous coordinates on Teichmuller space & measured foliations naturalizing the Thurston compactification
Simultaneous coordinates on Teichmuller space & measured foliations naturalizing the Thurston compactification
The Teichmuller space T(S) for a closed orientable surface S encodes the choices for a hyperbolic structure on that surface S. Thurston defined a compactification on such a Teichmuller space T(S) using lengths of simple closed curves. Since the boundary of T(S) can be viewed as the space of projective classes of measured foliations on S and the Teichmuller space T(S) is an open ball, it is natural to hope that, with the right coordinates on T(S), the Thurston compactification will in fact be the radial compactication. We define a new coordinate system on a Teichmuller space, and corresponding space of measured foliations, so that the Thurston compactification will indeed be the radial compactification. Results presented are joint work in progress with Daryl Cooper.