Quantitative intersection of Lagrangian skeleta, Rouquier dimension, and Orlov's conjecture

Shaoyun Bai, Princeton University

In-Person and Online Talk

Zoom link: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/453512481?pwd=OHZ5TUJvK2trVVlUVmJLZkhIRHFDUT09

TQFT considerations provide many interesting structures on the invariants of symplectic manifolds coming from holomorphic curves, while the h-principle gives many strong classification results in symplectic topology. The closed-open string map is an example of the former and the arborealization program belongs to the latter category. 

I will explain how these tools help us prove quantitative rigidity results concerning the non-displacablity of Lagrangian skeleta of Weinstein manifolds and cases of Orlov's conjecture which tells us how to extract information of a variety from its derived category. The central notion is the Rouquier dimension of the wrapped Fukaya categories of Liouville manifolds. This is joint work with Laurent Cote.