On Nonlocal Keller-Segel Type Equations
On Nonlocal Keller-Segel Type Equations
In the first part of the talk we will investigate a Keller-Segel model with quorum sensing and a fractional diffusion operator. This model describes the collective cell movement due to chemical sensing with flux limitation for high cell densities and with anomalous media represented by a nonlinear, degenerate fractional diffusion operator. The purpose here is to introduce and prove the existence of a properly defined entropy solution. In the second part of the talk we will analyze an equation that is gradient flow of a functional related to Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality in whole Euclidean space R^d, d \geq 3. Under the hypothesis of integrable initial data with finite second moment and energy, we show local-in-time existence for any mass of ``free-energy solutions", namely weak solutions with some free energy estimates. We exhibit that the qualitative behavior of solutions is decided by a critical value.
The motivation for this part is to generalize Keller-Segel model to higher dimensions.
This is a joint work with K. H. Karlsen and E. A. Carlen.