
Photo by Lindsey Bannister

Maria Chudnovsky

Contact Info:

Office: 211 Fine Hall
Phone: (609) 258-2833


Mathematics Department
Princeton University.


My research interests lie in graph theory and combinatorics.
Currently I am mainly interested in structural graph theory. Here is some information about perfect graphs due to Vasek Chvatal .

My work is supported by an NSF DMS-EPSRC Grant DMS-2120644, an Airforce Office of Scientific Research award FA9550-22-1-0083 and an NSF Grant DMS-2348219.

I received my Ph.D. from Princeton University in 2003.

My thesis was

Berge Trigraphs and Their Applications

My Ph.D. advisor was Paul Seymour .

Here is an article about my work in Science Magazine.

And this is an article about in Popular Science.

In 2012 I was named a MacArthur Fellow

This and this are two articles in Quanta.

This is a link to my CV

This is a list of my publications

Here are some on-line available papers

This is a link to a list of problems on perfect graphs that I compiled
for the workshop on The Perfect Graph Conjecture
at the American Institute of Mathematics
And here are some pictures from that workshop.

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